Thursday, March 18, 2021

Is AJHQ hurting or helping by re-selling rares? (Animal Jam Classic)

 Today I would like to go off this blog's main topic.
A question I wonder a lot is, is AJHQ helping players when
they re-release items held at a high value? 

The original tan top hat look.
We've seen it happen before. The top hats used to be rare and in high demand among players, they were released in 2010 on June 15th, and then left soon after the beta period ended. The top hats did not see another re-release until 2013, but after that, they were once again gone from stores and their demand continued to rise. The most valuable top hat color was debated among traders, but it was agreed by many that tan was the rarest color, though solid black was typically in higher demand.

Their rarity was pretty high for a few years after this and only continued to rise, but in 2017, each top hat color was once again released for a short Hatapalooza event (for only 75 gems too, to add insult to injury). Their worth instantly tanked and they became worthless, and a lot of players were quite upset about it. I don't blame them, because for many years until this, the top hats were considered valuable collectors items. While the top hats are slowly regaining the rarity they used to have, they are still not as rare as they once were and it will likely take a few more good years before they ever reach that height of popularity again. For now they are only worth a few rims at best. You will be lucky to find anyone who trades high for one of them now.

Another example would be the bongo drums. They are non-member, and were originally released in 2011. They were originally sold at a shop in Coral Canyons called "Coral Corner." Coral Corner opened in 2011, and then closed down in the same year. For awhile, they were considered a non-member den beta, a good one too. But then in 2015, in introduction of the new Jammer Parties feature, they were being sold at the trading theme party. Again, another valuable item that was re-released and had their value completely dropped. They are different from the top hats though, while the top hats are slowly regaining rarity, the bongo drums are still to this day being sold at the trading Jammer Party, so now they are just entirely useless. They have the rarity of a necklace now. Yeah, not very rare at all. On the bright side, its a nice item, at least. It gives off the old original beta AJ vibe that we miss.
So, to my point: When AJHQ re-releases rares or betas, are they hurting their players or helping us? Well, the answer is complicated, in my eyes, at least. 

The re-releases were good for people who were wanting these items but just couldn't afford them. I think some can agree that if an item we've always wanted was re-released in shops today, we wouldn't completely mind. Sure, if they were rare, they would sadly lose all tradability, and some items just aren't the same if they aren't rare. If our rare black long spikes suddenly were buyable, it wouldn't feel so cool for people to flaunt them or have tons on their trade list. But a lot of people would be satisfied just finally having that item they want. My dream item is a dragon glove, and I don't care if they're rare or not. I just think they look awesome and want them all. I'm sure some people can agree with their own dream items. Plus, in a way, re-releasing rare items helps reduce any fights people may have had about them. 

But it's not perfect. Of course, when these items are re-released, they are no longer valuable and people aren't willing to trade a lot of rares for them anymore. This can really hurt someone's rarity if they own a lot of this item or if they traded a lot of rares for it. All their hard work would no longer mean something, and they may have lost a lot of their valuables for an item that has no value now. It can really hurt and be frustrating. Plus, trading can be a fun part of the game, and getting a rare item you want is always a happy moment. Re-releasing our rare items gives us a lot less to work with and trade.

So, there are pros and cons to AJHQ re-releasing the rares and betas we all hold close. It benefits some people and hurts others. 
What do you think about it? 
If you owned AJ, would you re-release any rares or betas or would
you keep it where anything that gets released doesn't come back again?

Til next time!

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