Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Animal Jam (Classic) Rarity Check #2 : Golden Throne?

 Animal Jam Rarity Check #2 : Golden Throne?
What is the golden throne worth?
Welcome to Animal Jam Rarity Check, or AJRC! AJRC wants to help jammers
understand their items more, while giving my own insight on whether or not I think an
item's rarity is fair. 

Today I want to take a look at an older item, the golden throne. 
Recently, I was shopping at some dens and saw someone selling this beauty for dirt cheap, so I went ahead and bought it, because this item is rather old and hasn't been sold since it left stores. It was first for sale September 7th, 2012, and was being sold at Epic Wonders for 2,000 gems. Though I do not know when it left, my estimate is probably around 2013-2014.

The golden throne. Only one variant.

Their Current Value

Actually, I couldn't find any sources on what other people think this item is worth. My guess is either people consider this item in low demand therefore it's low priority, or that people forgot about this item completely, because when looking for this item, the Egyptian themed den items come up instead. Of course, this item was released long before the Egyptian set was even thought of, so in other words, there's no rarity set in stone for the golden throne. So let's go ahead and make an estimate. 

The item was released in 2012 and left stores many years ago, at least 6-7 years ago to be precise, and has not been sold ever since.
They are obtainable through the Forgotten Desert, though no where else.

I think these should be worth 2-3 den betas. They are hard to come by, not only because they have never been re-released in stores, but because you don't see many players with this item these days, and the only other way to get this item is by doing the Forgotten Desert and even then, doing TFD hoping to get a very specific item doesn't work out in our favor most times.

I hope in the future this item will get more attention and hopefully get a more sturdy rarity. This item is a really nice find, and it looks very good, too. So if you find one, I definitely recommend keeping your hands on it until further notice. You could totally nail a good trade with this item.

Til next time!

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