Monday, March 15, 2021

Animal Jam (Classic): Item Eyeballing #1 (Gloves)

 Animal Jam: Item Eyeballing #1 (Gloves)
Welcome to Item Eyeballing! Here I will go into details about the past,
present and future for existing Animal Jam items. 

Today I want to take a look at one of Animal Jam's many clothing items: gloves.

A lovely glove collection.

The Past of Gloves
Gloves are one of Animal Jam's oldest items. 
It's non-member, worn on the leg, and comes in a few different colors. It was first sold during beta testing for 45 gems. Later, in 2012, it was actually named "Gloves," plural. 

Then it came back later in 2014 with new variants and was simply called "Glove" now, and its price had increased to 2,500 gems, or 750 on sale. Finally, it left the stores once and for all after this. The original gloves were given a rare tag and had their name updated to "Rare Glove" after the new gloves hit the store. 

The Present of Gloves
Today, gloves are actually divided into two rarities depending on how old they are.
The original gloves, with their rare tags and mostly solid colors, are all worth about 1 clothing beta today to even just a few rims. Believe it or not, the newer gloves, without the rare tag, are actually way rarer, WAY rarer than you might've guessed! 

All of these gloves are worth anywhere between a good short or a bad long.
However, tan gloves are very special...

Right now, you can trade one of these for a WHOLE black long!
Crazy, right? Who would've guess these simple gloves could be so valuable?

The Future of Gloves 
So, what are the future of gloves? 

If you ask me, it's uncertain. While the gloves seem to be very valuable at its current price, I can't say for sure whether or not they're really in high demand or not. I haven't seen many players trying to trade for these, and I haven't seen many of them flaunt 
their non-rare gloves, either. 
But that could mean two very different 
things for the future of gloves. 

1) Gloves become irrelevant, and slowly but surely lose their value. Maybe they were really in high demand when people first started calling them rare, but it's undoubtedly true that a lot of items lose their rarity soon after it skyrockets. Or maybe instead of being forgotten about by everyone, AJHQ actually re-releases these gloves today in stores and they become absolutely worthless, really fast. I think if either were to happen, I'd prefer the first one. That way you can still trade yours off for a good item before their value quickly drops. The second item will just leave you with a worthless glove that you traded many of your rares for.
2) Because gloves are so hard to come by, their rarity becomes even higher and they become more and more valuable and in demand among players. A tan could go from being worth a single black long to being worth multiple, or it might even go up and be worth something even better than a black long.

What do you think will happen to gloves in the future? 
Do you think their high price is really worth it?

If you ask me, I think in some ways, this rarity is fair. If the new variants haven't been re-released ever since 2014, then that makes them unobtainable and definitely rare. I can understand the rare gloves being a low value, since these rare versions are still obtainable through a few adventures, like hard mode on Return of the Phantoms and even a few prize claw machines. 
However, I will say that I don't understand how the tan manages to be so much more valuable than the other colors! I understand a lot of players favor tan over other colors when it comes to a lot of items, but why is this? 
The tan glove is simply a different color, it has no special features or anything that would set it aside from the others, in my opinion. Plus, not everyone likes tan. I think all the gloves should be equal instead, this way, people can actually choose what colors they like the best out of a set instead of only trading for what's rare and disregarding what they actually like.
Because admit it. If you saw someone with 2 of the same item in different variants, and they had the rarest color and your favorite color that's worth less than the other, you'd probably go for the rarest one, regardless if you like the color or not. This is reality for a lot of players.

Til next time!

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